About Us
EVH is a grade 10-12 high school that serves Grand Falls-Windsor and Badger. It usually has close to 500 students enrolled. Major multi-million dollar renovations were completed in 2014 that included a new cafeteria, skilled trades suite and recreation facilities.
Our high school evolved from the former St. Michael's High, Grand Falls Academy, and Bursey Memorial Collegiate (BMC). For a few years we occupied the St. Mike's and GFA buildings under a 9-12 campus configuration. Currently we are situated in what was the former BMC.
EVH has the following feeder schools in our GFW-Badger System:
- Avoca Collegiate, Badger
- Exploits Valley Intermediate, Grand Falls-Windsor
Administration and Contacts
Principal: Mr. Paul Lewis - PaulLewis@nlschools.ca (xtn 222)
Vice Prinicpal: Mr. Glenn Casey - GlennCasey@nlschools.ca (xtn 223)
Guidance: Ms. Sharona Belben - SharonaBelben@nlschools.ca (xtn 225)
PASS - Mr. Cameron Snow - CameronSnow@nlschools.ca (xtn 231)
Technology Coordinator: Mr. Nathan Hynes - NathanHynes@nlschools.ca (xtn 226)
Physical Education / Sports Coordinator: Mr. Michael Hodder - MichaelHodder@nlschools.ca (xtn 264)
Secretary1 (Financial): Ms. Lori Cox - LoriCox@nlschools.ca (Full Time) (xtn 221)
Secretary2 (PowerSchool): Ms. Tracy Card - TracyCard@nlschools.ca (Part Time) (xtn 257)
Outreach Workers - (xtn 233)
Doorways - nicole.baker@centralhealth.nl.ca
Exploits Community - Jackie Cole - child_youth@exploitscc.ca
School Nurse - Jennifer.Lane@centralhealth.nl.ca
Pleased be advised that Exploits Valley High has 24 hour security cameras in use on our premises.